Edit Block Models

Defining models for your UG project

Block Model Files

Accessing this screen:

This panel is used to define the model or models that comprise your underground scheduling project.

Click + to add a new model to the list or click X to delete the highlighted convention and all associated elements. The ordering of models in the list is unimportant so models are displayed in the order they were added.

Select the File Name field to display a browse button (...). This allows you to locate a Datamine block model file on disk.

A numeric Density column must exist in the input model file, and specified here.

The Status column determines if the file is still in the location from which it was originally added ("Available") or if it cannot be found at the specified location ("Not available").

The Validation State will either be enabled (the model has been validated, see below) or disabled (the model hasn't been validated yet).

Validating a block model

Before you start your planning study, it's important to check that your input model meets the criteria required for interrogation. Studio UG provides a useful panel for this, which can be accessed using the Block Model Validation button at the bottom of the Edit Block Models panel.

To validate a block model you should first select it in the table so that it is highlighted and then run the validation tool:

Clicking this button displays the Block Model Validation panel.

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